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Top Stories Photos - updated 3:03 PM ET Sep 12
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Firefighters make their way through rubble after terrorists crashed two airliners into the World Trade Center in New York, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2001. Mounting an audacious attack against the United States, terrorists crashed two hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center and brought down the twin 110-story towers. (AP Photo/Shawn Baldwin)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:21 PM ET
A New York City firefighter returns from battling  building blazes near Vessey and Greenwich Streets after the World Trade Center collapse September 11, 2001.  The World Trade Center collapsed after two planes crashed into them.    REUTERS/Anthony Correia
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Reuters Photo
11 Sep, 5:21 PM ET
EDS NOTE: GRAPHIC CONTENT -- A person jumps from the north tower of New York's World Trade Center Tuesday Sept. 11, 2001. Mounting an audacious attack against the United States, terrorists crashed two hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center and brought down the twin 110-story towers. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:21 PM ET
Dust covers people and the streets around the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, after a terrorist attack on the landmark buildings in New York, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. (AP Photo/Amy Sancetta)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:20 PM ET

Poeple stand on a dirt mound at the Vince Lombardi Service Area on the New Jersey Turnpike as they watch smoke billowing from the remains of the World Trade Center in New York after planes crashed into each of the twin towers Tuesday morning, Sept. 11, 2001.  (AP Photo/Gene Boyars)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:20 PM ET
In the wake of the New York and Washington D.C. terrorist attacks, the downtown San Francisco financial center is much like a ghost town with a sign in a window saying the building is closed, September 11, 2001. Three hijacked planes slammed into the Pentagon and New York's landmark World Trade Center on Tuesday, demolishing the two 110-story towers that symbolize U.S. financial might.  REUTERS/Susan Ragan
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Reuters Photo
11 Sep, 5:20 PM ET
People watch news scroll by in Times Square about the World Trade Center terrorist attacks in New York, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001.  (AP Photo/Tim Donnelly)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:20 PM ET
EDS NOTE: GRAPHIC CONTENT -- A person jumps from the north tower of New York's World Trade Center Tuesday Sept. 11, 2001. Mounting an audacious attack against the United States, terrorists crashed two hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center and brought down the twin 110-story towers Tuesday morning. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:20 PM ET

President George W. Bush talks on the phone with New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani and New York Governor George Pataki aboard Air Force One during a flight following a statement regarding the two planes that crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City, September 11, 2001. Bush was abruptly plunged into the deepest crisis of his brief period in office and how he responds may well determine his political fate.  (Doug Mills/Pool via Reuters)
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Reuters Photo
11 Sep, 5:19 PM ET
Stranded travelers line up for pay phones outside Terminal C at Newark International Airport after the airport was closed following the attack on the World Trade Center in New York Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001.  (AP Photo/Gene Boyars)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:19 PM ET
Two women at 6th Street and Grand Street in lower Manhattan react as they observe the destruction at the World Trade Center in New York Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. Terrorists crashed two aircraft into the twin buildings collapasing the 110-story towers. (AP Photo/Ernesto Mora)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:18 PM ET
Elizabeth McPeak says a prayer for the victims of the World Trade Center attack during a noon service at the Catholic Diocese of Columbus Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, in Columbus, Ohio. (AP Photo/Terry Gilliam)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:18 PM ET

Capitol Hill Police officers guard the Capitol in Washington after it was evacuated, and a perimeter established, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, after terrorist attacks in New York and at the Pentagon. (AP Photo/Dennis Cook)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:17 PM ET
ADDS NAME OF VENDER - Newspaper vender Charles Craft sells special editons of the Chicago Sun-Times, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, outside the Sears Tower in Chicago, after terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and on the Pentagon in Washington. The Sears Tower was one of the many buildings evacuated after the attacks. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:16 PM ET
People flee lower Manhattan across the Brooklyn Bridge in New York, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, following a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. (AP Photo/Daniel Shanken)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:16 PM ET
The U.S. Pentagon is on fire after a hijacked aircraft crashed into it, September 11, 2001. Three hijacked planes crashed into major U.S. landmarks on Tuesday, destroying both of New York's mighty twin towers of the World Trade Center and plunging the Pentagon in Washington into flames, in an unprecedented assault on key symbols of U.S. military and financial power. The Washington Monument is in background.                           REUTERS/Hyungwon Kang
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Reuters Photo
11 Sep, 5:13 PM ET

A uniformed Secret Service agent, holding an automatic weapon, directs evacuees from a building near the White House Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2001. The Capitol, White House, Pentagon, State Department and other buildings were evacuated as an apparent coordinated terrorist attack spread fear and chaos in the nation's capital. (AP Photo/Kamenko Pajic)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:13 PM ET
An injured women and others flee lower Manhattan across the Brooklyn Bridge in New York, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, following a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. (AP Photo/Daniel Shanken)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:12 PM ET
The presidential limousine carrying President Bush drives across the tarmac near Air Force One Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001 at Sarasota/Bradenton International Airport in Bradenton, Fla. (AP Photo/Steve Nesius)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:10 PM ET
Justin Eckert comforts his wife, Dorinda, at the American Airlines ticket counter at Portland International Airport as she feeds their 3-month-old son, Ethan,  in Portland, Ore., Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001,  after finding out their flight to Missouri has been cancelled due to terrorist attacks on the New York World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon.  Eckert was supposed to report at the air base in Whiteman, Mo., today.(AP Photo/Don Ryan)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:08 PM ET

Mark Stahl of Somerset, Pa., shows a photograph he took after arriving at the crash scene where a jetliner crashed near Shanksville, Pa., Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:08 PM ET
Aurora Norton, center, clutches a U.S. flag as she prays at San Fernando Cathedral in San Antonio during a special noon Mass Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, after attacks at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.  Norton said her niece works at the Pentagon. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:07 PM ET
New York City firefighters and other emergency personnel battle building blaze after the World Trade Center buildings collapse September 11, 2001.  Three hijacked planes slammed into the Pentagon and New York's landmark World Trade Center on Tuesday, demolishing the two 110-story towers that symbolize U.S. financial might.   REUTERS/Anthony Correia
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Reuters Photo
11 Sep, 5:07 PM ET
A helicopter flies over the burning Pentagon Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, in Arlington, Va. The Washington Monument can be seen at right, through the smoke. The White House roof is visible in the trees of Washington at left. (AP Photo/Tom Horan)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:07 PM ET

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