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Top Stories Photos - updated 3:03 PM ET Sep 12
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One side of the Pentagon building is exposed after a hijacked aircraft crashed into it, September 11, 2001. The Department of Defense evacuated the building after it caught on fire after a plane crashed into it on Tuesday. Three hijacked planes crashed into major U.S. landmarks, destroying both of New York's mighty twin towers of the World Trade Center and plunging the Pentagon in Washington into flames, in an unprecedented assault on key symbols of U.S. military and financial power. REUTERS/Hyungwon Kang
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Reuters Photo
11 Sep, 5:31 PM ET
Victor Velez, a security guard for the Episcopal Church Home, looks out over the U.S. border at the Peace Bridge in Buffalo, N.Y., Tuesday,  Sept. 11, 2001 after terrorist attacks erupted throughout the country.  (AP Photo/David Duprey)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:30 PM ET
RETRANSMITTING TO CORRECT DATE FROM SEPT. 9 TO SEPT. 11 FILE--Workers clear debris in an underground corridor at the World Trade Center in New York, in this March 1, 1993 file photo, after an explosion occured that the FBI confirmed was caused by a bomb.  In one of the most horrifying attacks ever against the United States, terrorists crashed two airliners into the World Trade Center in a deadly series of blows Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, that brought down the twin 110-story towers. A plane also slammed into the Pentagon as the government itself came under attack.   (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:30 PM ET
Firemen work in the rubble at the base of the World Trade Center in New York, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. Mounting an audacious attack against the United States, terrorists crashed two hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center and brought down the twin 110-story towers. (AP Photo/Matt Moyer)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:29 PM ET

New York City firefighters and other emergency personnel survey the World Trade Center collapse area near Vessey and Greenwich Streets after the World Trade Center collapse, September 11, 2001. The World Trade Center was destroyed after two hijacked commercial planes crashed into them today.    REUTERS/Anthony Correia
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Reuters Photo
11 Sep, 5:29 PM ET
Secretary of State Colin Powell gets in his car after a meeting with Peru's President Alejandro Toledo in Lima's Government Palace, September 11, 2001. Powell will fly home to Washington after attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon. (Pilar Olivares/Reuters)
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Reuters Photo
11 Sep, 5:29 PM ET
The area near the World Trade Center area is strewn with paper, soot and metal after the World trade Center collapse September 11, 2001.  The World Trade Center was hit and destroyed by two hijacked commercial planes earlier.    REUTERS/Anthony Correia
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Reuters Photo
11 Sep, 5:28 PM ET
Am American flag flies near the base of the destroyed World Trade Center in New York, September 11, 2001. Planes crashed into each of the two towers, causing them to collapse.  REUTERS/Peter Morgan
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Reuters Photo
11 Sep, 5:28 PM ET

A man is brought in by stretcher for treatment at St. Vincent's Hospital in New York following the collapse of both World Trade Center towers Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:28 PM ET
Salt Lake City Department of Airports officer Paul Stanton and his dog Kootsos, look for explosives during a sterilization sweep of Salt Lake International Airport, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, in Salt Lake City. A report on the attacks appears on the television set at rear. The airport was closed down and is not expected to open until Wednesday morning.  (AP Photo/Douglas C. Pizac)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:28 PM ET
This is a view looking south on New York's West Street that is covered with debris and white dust in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001.  At background center is the collapsed pedestrian bridge that linked the Trade Center buildings to the World Financial Center. (AP Photo/David Karp)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:27 PM ET
Firemen gather around rubble at the base of the World Trade Center towers in New York, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. Mounting an audacious attack against the United States, terrorists crashed two hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center and brought down the twin 110-story towers. (AP Photo/Matt Moyers)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:27 PM ET

Smoke and debris erupt from the south tower of the World Trade Center as it explodes after two jets crashed into the buildings Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2001, in New York.  Terrorists crashed two airliners into the World Trade Center in a closely timed series of blows Tuesday that brought down the twin 110-story towers. (AP Photo/Jerry Torrens)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:25 PM ET
Grounded United Airlines planes sit on the tarmac at Los Angeles Internatinal Airport after the airport was shut down, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. Planes were grounded nationwide after  terrorists crashed two airliners into the World Trade Center in a deadly series of blows that brought down the twin 110-story towers. A plane also slammed into the Pentagon as the government itself came under attack.  (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:25 PM ET
The Pentagon is on fire after a hijacked aircraft crashed into it, September 11, 2001. Three hijacked planes crashed into major U.S. landmarks on Tuesday, destroying both of New York's mighty twin towers and plunging the Pentagon in Washington into flames, in an unprecedented assault on key symbols of U.S. military and financial power.     REUTERS/Hyungwon Kang
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Reuters Photo
11 Sep, 5:25 PM ET
A person jumps from the north tower of New York's World Trade Center as another clings to the outside, left center, while smoke and fire billow from the building, Tuesday Sept. 11, 2001. Terrorists crashed two hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center and brought down the twin 110-story towers Tuesday morning. A jetliner also slammed into the Pentagon in Washington.  (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:24 PM ET

Planes sit on the ground at Newark International Airport as smoke billows from the remains of the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, after planes crashed into each tower.  (AP Photo/Gene Boyars)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:24 PM ET
Firefighters make their way through the rubble after two airliners crashed into the World Trade Center in New York bringing down the landmark buildings Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2001. (AP Photo/Shawn Baldwin)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:23 PM ET
Firefighters carry an injured fireman from the World Trade Center area in New York after the buildings collapsed Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, after two planes crashed into the structure.  The firefighter was taken to a boat for evacuation. (AP Photo/Matt Moyer)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:22 PM ET
President Bush watches television as he talks on the phone with New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani and Gov. George Pataki aboard Air Force One during a flight following a statement about the two planes that crashed into the World Trade Center in New York, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. (AP Photo/Doug Mills, Pool)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:22 PM ET

Fire and smoke billows from the north tower of New York's World Trade Center Tuesday Sept. 11, 2001. Mounting an audacious attack against the United States, terrorists crashed two hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center and brought down the twin 110-story towers.(AP Photo/Richard Drew)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:22 PM ET
A New York City firefighter returns from battling building blazes near Vessey and Greenwich Streets after the World Trade Center collapse September 11, 2001. The World Trade Center collapsed after two planes crashed into them.    REUTERS/Anthony Correia
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Reuters Photo
11 Sep, 5:21 PM ET
A distraught woman is comforted by a medical worker as she is brought to St. Vincent's Hospital in New York for treatment following the collapse of both World Trade Center towers Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001 in New York. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:21 PM ET
Police officer Todd Streitenberger carries a dog trained to find explosives down an escalator at the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, in Hebron, Ky., as passengers head for baggage claim at right. Flights in the United States were grounded Tuesday after terrorist attacks in New York and Washington that involved aircraft. (AP Photo/Al Behrman)
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AP Photo
11 Sep, 5:21 PM ET

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