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Top Stories Photos - updated 3:03 PM ET Sep 12
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Medical and emergency workers stand in front of the Millenium Hilton in lower Manhattan Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001.  The workers are looking toward the billowing smoke coming from the wreckage of World Trade Center complex. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)
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AP Photo
12 Sep, 4:15 AM ET
Stephen Lynch, D-South Boston, left, waves to the crowd as he his wife, Margaret Lynch, before reading a statement at a union hall in Boston's Dorchester section, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, condemning the attacks on New York and Washington.  Lynch, a conservative former ironworker from a working-class Boston neighborhood, won the Democratic primary and advanced to a special election next month in which he will likely be the favorite to replace the late Rep. Joe Moakley. (AP Photo/Gretchen Ertl)
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AP Photo
12 Sep, 4:14 AM ET
The Pentagon suffered major damage September 11, 2001 after a hijacked airliner crashed into it. In the worst terror attack on the U.S. mainland in modern history, two hijacked planes slammed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York -- where about 40,000 people work -- and a third plane hit the Pentagon, across the Potomac river from Washington. (William Philpott/Reuters)
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Reuters Photo
12 Sep, 4:05 AM ET
The capital of the United States struggled to get back on its feet September 12, 2001, a day after a hijacked plane slammed into the Pentagon as part of a coordinated attack on America. President Bush, who returned to Washington Tuesday evening, said federal agencies that were shut after the attacks on the Pentagon and New York's World Trade Center will reopen for business Wednesday amid extraordinary security measures in the capital.  Firefighters look at the gaping hole in the Pentagon where hijacked American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the building September 11.  (William Philpott/Reuters)
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Reuters Photo
12 Sep, 4:05 AM ET

The capital of the United States struggled to get back on its feet September 12, 2001, a day after a hijacked plane slammed into the Pentagon as part of a coordinated attack on America. President George W. Bush, seen returning to Washington Tuesday evening, said federal agencies that were shut after the attacks on the Pentagon and New York's World Trade Center will reopen for business September 12 amid extraordinary security measures in the capital.  (Larry Downing/Reuters)
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Reuters Photo
12 Sep, 4:05 AM ET
Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, the vertical struts, of the World Trade Center's twin towers after a terrorist attack in New York Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. As workers cleared some of the rubble, new crews of firefighters and rescue workers charged into the devastation with shovels, pickaxes and flashlights to look for bodies or survivors. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)
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AP Photo
12 Sep, 4:03 AM ET
The rubble of the World Trade Center is seen from the Stuyvesant High School bridge in lower Manhattan, New York, Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2001. Rescue operations continued throughout the night following the collapse of the 110-story twin towers. (AP Photo/ Victoria Arocho)
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AP Photo
12 Sep, 3:58 AM ET
An investor looks as trading is halted at the a private stock market gallery in Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2001. The Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange said Wednesday it is closed for trading to ensure an ``orderly and fair market.''  In a statement, the KLSE didn't say when it will reopen the market, which is one of three in Asia that aren't trading. The other two are Taiwan and Thailand. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
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AP Photo
12 Sep, 3:57 AM ET

Rubble of New York's World Trade Center is seen from the Stuyvesant High School bridge in the early hours of Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2001. Rescuers dug for victims throughout the night. (AP Photo/ Victoria Arocho)
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AP Photo
12 Sep, 3:53 AM ET
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-NY, left, and Rep. Nita Lowey, D-N.Y. talk to the media after a prayer service on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Tuesday, Sept 11, 2001 in Washington. (AP Photo/Joe Marquette)
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AP Photo
12 Sep, 3:44 AM ET
Firefighters and other rescue personnel rest atop the ruins of a car beside the destroyed mullions, the vertical struts which once faced the soaring outer walls of the World Trade Center towers, after a terrorist attack on the twin towers of lower Manhattan Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001.  As workers cleared some of the rubble, new crews of firefighters and rescue workers charged into the devastation with shovels, pickaxes and flashlights to look for bodies or survivors.(AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)
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AP Photo
12 Sep, 3:40 AM ET
Emergency workers stand amid the debris after two planes slammed into the World Trade Center Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001.  As workers cleared some of the rubble, new crews of firefighters and rescue workers charged into the devastation with shovels, pickaxes and flashlights to look for bodies or survivors.(AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)
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AP Photo
12 Sep, 3:40 AM ET

Destroyed mullions, the vertical struts which once faced the soaring outer walls of the World Trade Center towers, are the only things left standing behind a firefighter after a terrorist attack on the twin towers in lower Manhattan Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. The 110-story towers collapsed in a shower of rubble and dust after two hijacked airliners slammed into them. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)
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AP Photo
12 Sep, 3:25 AM ET
Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses representatives of the Russian media during an awarding ceremony in Moscow's Kremlin, September 11, 2001. Putin expressed deep sympathy to the people of the United States 'in connection with this terrorist act, this terrible tragedy,' the Kremlin quoted spokesman Alexei Gromov as saying. (Pool via Reuters)
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Reuters Photo
12 Sep, 3:21 AM ET
An Albanian girl lights a candle as a gesture for the victims of terrorist attacks against U.S. targets, in the capital Tirana, September 11, 2001. The banner on the back reads 'In homage to the American people.' Three hijacked planes crashed into major U.S. landmarks destroying both New York's mighty World Trade Center and plunging the Pentagon in Washington into flames in an unprecedented assault on key symbols of the U.S. military and financial power. (Gent Shkullaku/Reuters)
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Reuters Photo
12 Sep, 3:21 AM ET
Destroyed mullions, the vertical struts which once faced the soaring outer walls of the World Trade Center towers, are the only thing left standing behind a dust covered bus stop and subway entrance, after a terrorist attack on the twin towers Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. The 110-story towers collapsed after two hijacked airliners slammed into them. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)
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AP Photo
12 Sep, 3:10 AM ET

Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., right., hugs Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, at the U.S. Capitol Tuesday night, Sept. 11, 2001. The Congressional leadership held a press conference and prayer ceremony on the steps of the Capitol.  (AP Photo/Joe Marquette)
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AP Photo
12 Sep, 2:48 AM ET
A Pakistani newspaper said September 12, 2001 that Saudi militant Osama bin Laden had issued a denial of responsibility for the devastating terror attacks on the United States. 'The terrorist act is the action of some American group. I have nothing to do with it,' the newspaper Khabrain quoted bin Laden as saying through 'sources close to the Taliban.' bin Laden is seen in this undated file photo. (Reuters - Handout)
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Reuters Photo
12 Sep, 2:41 AM ET
New York City Fire Department Captain Jace Pinkus checks his watch, after having been on duty for 15 hours, outside New York's Chelsea Piers where a triage center was set up for victims of the World Trade Center attacks, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. (AP Photo/Suzanne Plunkett)
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AP Photo
12 Sep, 2:37 AM ET
Occupants of the world's tallest building, the Petronas Twin Towers, gather at its' base in Kuala Lumpur September 12, 2001 following a bomb scare. Malaysia's twin Petronas Towers, the work place for 6,000 people, were evacuated on Wednesday in a bomb scare, police said. The bomb scare followed terrorist attacks in the U.S. which killed thousands of people. (Bazuki Muhammad/Reuters)
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Reuters Photo
12 Sep, 2:36 AM ET

A U.S. soldier walks past South Korean riot policemen standing guard with M-16 rifles near the main entrance of Yongsan U.S. Army base in Seoul September 12, 2001. U.S. military forces and installations in Korea were put on 'force protection level Delta', the highest state of security awareness' on Wednesday following the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. About 37,000 U.S. troops are stationed in Korea. (Lee Jae-Won/Reuters)
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Reuters Photo
12 Sep, 2:36 AM ET
The Congressional leadership Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle D-S.D., right, and House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., arrive at the U.S. Capitol Tuesday night, Sept. 11, 2001, for a press conference and prayer ceremony for the terrorist victims. All government agencies were closed in Washington.  (AP Photo/Joe Marquette)
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AP Photo
12 Sep, 2:34 AM ET
Ambulances from all over the New York, New Jersey and Conneticut line the street in front of Chelsea Piers, where a triage center was set up for victims of the World Trade Center attacks, late Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001 in New York. (AP Photo/Suzanne Plunkett)
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AP Photo
12 Sep, 2:33 AM ET
Emergency personnel use the area outside of  Stuyvesant High School as a command center, blocks from the site of the World Trade Center in the early hours of Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2001. (AP Photo/ Victoria Arocho)
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AP Photo
12 Sep, 2:30 AM ET

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