Tuesday September 11 10:48 AM ET
Arafat Condemns Plane Attacks in U.S.
Arafat Condemns Plane Attacks in U.S.
GAZA (Reuters) - Palestinian President Yasser Arafat (news - web sites)
condemned the aircraft attacks Tuesday on the World Trade
Center in New York and on the Pentagon (news - web sites) in Washington. ``I send my condolences, the condolences of the Palestinian
people to American President (George W.) Bush and his
government and to the American people for this terrible act,''
Arafat told reporters in Gaza. ``We completely condemn this serious operation...We were
completely shocked. It's unbelievable, unbelievable,
unbelievable.'' An anonymous caller told Abu Dhabi television earlier on
Tuesday that a radical Palestinian group was responsible for
the attacks, but the group later denied any involvement. Palestinians have been waging an uprising against Israeli
occupation since last September.
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